Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm moving...

Okay, after thinking it over, I've decided to move my blog to Wordpress.com
I've played with the features on Thoughts.com and Blogspot.com and will continue to update from time to time, but you can follow my efforts at:


Students say the funniest things...

In my quest to follow the path God has chosen for me,
I find myself completing a Master of Arts: Education --Learn Behavior Disorder (LBD).
The area is mostly known as Special Education. You might ask? Another degree? Yes.

You see? I always thought I should be doing what I wanted to do. I completed my studies in Business Administration receiving both a Bachelor and Master from the University of Kentucky. Went on to complete a certificate in Human Resources Management...---->>>But, I was always on a quest for fulfillment and work life balance...Alas, I digress... I was called to educate.

Presently, I find myself accepting Substitute Teacher/Assistant positions and working with exceptional students. The following stories were worth remembering....

*As the class left the cafeteria, I noticed that my assigned student was rubbing his belly. As we transitioned to the classroom and began an English lesson he calls me over. "Ms. Canada, I have to tell you something, I think I may be pregnant." He says matter-of-factly. Not expecting this statement, I smile to keep from laughing. And I inform him that he is not pregnant, but a little too satisfied from all the food he had eaten.

*On another occasion, the classroom teacher had an english/math assignment review posted. I was trying to motivate the students to complete the work. Some of the students were gathering their materials and others were in various phases of assignment completion. I asked one student, why he hadn't completed his assignment. He looks at me thoughtfully and says, "I do the easiest parts first, and the hardiest parts NEVER."

I'm sure there were many more funny things, that occured last week... But, these two examples stood out the most.

Ha, Ha! I haven't given up!

I initially posted this blogpost on www.thoughts.com on: 06-27-2010

I am happy to say that I'm going really strong!!! I haven't relapsed into my old nutrutional habits. Once I've gotten used to carrying my lunch again, choosing the correct foods to eat has been very simple.

A lot of people have asked if I have weighed myself, however, I never have used weight as an indicator for good health. So, why should I start now. If you must know, I am 5'8. At my last weigh in, I weighed 140lbs, which is about average.

Okay, before you shun me and think this nutritional plan is not for you. Eating like this is definitely a lifestyle. I plan to stay on this track for as long as the GOOD LORD allows me to. What I am finding is that I no longer desire JUNK FOOD or MEAT. Now, I will not say that the tempation is not there, it's not as STRONG or as tempting as before.

Today, I ate fresh fruit, vegetables, and water...Just a nice summary. And I feel very satisfied. I also drink Barley Max which contains has barley and alfalfa. I don't experience intense hunger pangs or food urges. But, I must admit I'm now over 4 weeks into the process.

I'd suggest if you are interested in the path to becoming a Vegan, take it slow, practice portion control, and educate yourself on nutrition and not that AD Driven slush the Meat and Dairy Industries are pushing. Google rendering plants to see how your meat is being slaughtered and read ingredient labels. If you can't pronouce it, you shouldn't eat it. Really folks, it's that simple.

And on a last note, HIGH FRUTOSE CORN SYRUP is BAD for YOU. Idiotic commericals!!! You will find that this syrup is in a lot of processed foods. There is no MODERATION when it comes to listing this syrup as an ingredient. It's like it is a staple for human survival... Yuck...

In the end, the choice is yours... Join me on the beach in your best swimsuit!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wannabe TECHY!

Everything I've learned about computer's have come from horrendous experiences. I learned how to remember numerous passwords through the lack of cohesiveness of programs as an undergrad. I learned how to upload software, back up files, perform upgrades from having a horribly made laptop (I will tell which brand privately). And since, I've had to hold onto my current laptop for a number of years, I've learned to do hardware upgrades. I guess I should be grateful that I rose to the challenge and overcome a host of IT issues, but I really can not wait to get a new laptop and desktop. I want high speed processing, faster internet connections, more hard drive space, and a top of the line video editer (preferably Sony Vegas). Until then a lady can hope and dream. Can't I?


I've decided to commit fully to the blogging experience. Even if I just jot down a few ideas. In addition, I'm creating Vlogs (video logs) to be used on YouTube. I thought blogging would be a better way to keep track of all the thoughts and ideas running through my brain! I've kept a journal off & on for a number of years, but really can't seem to commit to the pen and paper method. I love to type on my computer and it is easier to make corrections. In addition, I visit social networking sites often. I update statuses and comment to others, but those ideas often get buried as the day continues. Time to really get serious and be able to review things posted in the past. Time to blog! Hope to see you along this journey!

My Goals (At the Moment)

Anyone, who knows me well, knows that I always have "irons in the fire." Unfortunately, at the moment, the finances are lackluster. I'm finishing up a 2nd Master program, this time in Education with a Certification in Learning Behavior Disorder. Should all go well, the hard part will be over in April with one class left to complete and a Master Thesis Portfolio!!! Woo-hoo! Hope to see you at Graduation, August 14th! Aside from that, I have two part-time gigs, one is a long term Sub position at a local elementary school and the other is at Cracker Barrel... My schedule leaves little time for a social life and sleep for that matter. Although I love being at both gigs, I would relish the day I can have time off to do absolutely nothing! I love hobbies!!! So, at the moment, I am being Spiritually led to keep going forward in learning Sign Languge (ASL), Spanish, and French! I am very passionate about all forms of communication and I wish I could have been exposed to various languages earlier in life. Hopefully, I can show you the ASL I've been learning. In addition, to the languages, I would love to take dance classes. I love routines and miss that type of work out. :) So, I will still be pretty busy for the next several months. Praying for survival and good health!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How to Open On-Screen Keyboard

I had never used the on-screen keyboard function.
The on-screen keyboard allows users to utilize keyboard functions
with other assistive technology devices.

To use the on-screen keyboard.
From the Start Menu, select All Programs, Accessories, Accessibility, and On-Screen Keyboard.

Once the on-screen keyboard is up. Preference setting can be used to tweak the appearance and functionality.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why blogging is important for education?

In education, communication between the teacher and student is pivotal. However, with the increased daily demands on lifestyle and culture, adult learning has become more of a challenge. Adult learners work full-time, have families, and unique responsibilies/demands.

Blogging has allowed classrooms to become wall-less and students can connect from virtually anywhere in the world! Barriers continue to be overcome through time: you can learn whenever you want! One can share ideas anywhere and anytime!